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Select Langdale Personnel Door

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Select Langdale Personnel Door

Select Langdale Personnel Door


Frame Option

Security Locking

Delivery Options (England & Wales)

Quantity: [SectionID])" onkeypress="QuantityChanged(this, 'https://www.thegaragedoorking.co.uk/cgi-bin/dx000001.pl', [SectionID])"/>
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Georgian panel design with arched top row.

Select steel doors are made from galvanised steel sheet and are factory finished in a choice of polyester powder coat colours. Available with factory fitted steel frame.
Personnel doors can be hinged either side and to open in or out.

Steel frame adds 60mm per side and 58mm along the top.

Bespoke- made to order sizes available at no extra cost- price below as next size up and contact us to order on 08449931444


The last few years has seen changes in the garage door market in particular to the thousands of tons of plastic used to protect doors that ultimately is not recyclable and goes to landfill .
Because of the improvements in galvanised steel and the paint finish now being powder coated and oven baked the need to fully protect the doors against the elements is no longer justified .
Therefore the door you are currently looking at here will not come packaged , this will make it easier for you to check for marks and damage but will also mean that you need to take extra care in handling the product before installation.
The following manufacturers do not plastic wrap steel up and over doors.
Fort , Hormann , Garador , Novoferm , Cardale .
Some special made items or special colours will come wrapped but off the shelf sizes in white will not. Timber, Grp ,Roller doors and sectional doors are still wrapped.
Please be prepared that on arrival if you are storing the door for a time you will need to look after the front panel .
Over the next few years it is likely that packaging using plastic in general will dramatically reduce or cease so we hope you see this as a positive step.

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